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About the breed 


The Biro Yorkshire terrier breed history

Biro Yorkshire terrier is a Biewer of extraordinary chocolate color. An interesting combination of dark chocolate color on a white background and addition of golden color on the head makes a Biro Yorkshire terrier dog a highly attractive and exclusive phenomenon!

At the moment Biro Yorkshire terrier breed is rather small-numbered and one of the youngest breeds not only in Russia, but all over the world.

At the same time Biro Yorkshire terriers have already got their admirers and true lovers.

The BIRO breed got its name from initial letters’ fusion of the names of the selectioners, who developed this breed: Birgit Rösner, “From the Lightning Showboy” Kennel, and Roberto Krah, “Art of Highclass” Kennel. Unfortunately Ms. Rösner and Ms. Polak stopped their breeding activities some years ago. Therefore there is only one original kennel left in Germany.

A great support on the way of the breed’s establishment was given by Ms. Dagmar Przystaw – 1.Chairperson of the Dog Friends and Fanciers’ International Club (registered union), and of the International Biewer Yorkshire terrier Club (registered union), as well as 1. Chairperson of German Biewer Yorkshire terrier Club (registered union), including German Dog Breeders Society (registered union).

She was the first to accept the Biro Yorkshire terrier breed in her societies, and she also rendered assistance in its further breeding.

At the present time the Biro Yorkshire terrier breed is popular all over the world, and it is being bred in many countries: the USA, Canada, Russia, Ukraine, Hungary, Czech Republic … etc. The list of the countries is constantly growing. Nevertheless the Biro Yorkshire terrier breed, as well as the Biewer Yorkshire terrier breed, hasn’t yet been accepted by the International Federation of Kennel Clubs (FCI - Fédération Cynologique Internationale), and by the American Kennel Club (AKC). Therefore Biros can only participate in dog shows organized by clubs and unions which are not part of the International Federation of Kennel Clubs (FCI).

Contact: Maria Gamburg

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